Here you will find playlists of my Radio shows. I do a live show twice a week at present and the live shows are recorded and then sent out to the other stations that schedule my show weekly. Then the shows after airing on all the hosting stations eventually find their way to my Mix cloud catch up. I have a Select account on Mix cloud which you can subscribe to for as little as £2.99 a month less than the price of a coffee. It’s not mandatory but it helps with the cost of my subscription on Mix cloud and I’m sure you appreciate the valuable time and effort I put into all of this as well as the running of my own radio station and looking after 15 presenters. Since the beginning of 2020 I have numbered the shows to make it easier for listeners and artists and media companies to match up the playlists with the catchup shows on Mixcloud Note: PLAYLISTS WITH TWO PAGES- Hoover your mouse over the bottom of page one a grey panel with arrows will come up so you can check page two. I now do the playlists on one pdf so recent ones are one page only.