
Mary Kathleen Burke
Hello and welcome to my new website. My name is Mary Kathleen Burke . I’m a singer/songwriter Guitarist and recording artist . I have lived in Glasgow all of my adult life I left Co Derry in 1980. I hope you will enjoy my site and that it will give you a little insight into my musical journey the highs and the lows and everything in between
There is a blog on my music journey from my beginnings in Ireland and some memories,pictures and stories of childhood up to when I arrived in Glasgow for a holiday and never went home . I am adding links to my music and have some samples here on the site for you to listen to. There will also be buy links added . My debut album ” A song in her heart was released by Greentrax in Feb 2008 and my dream of being a signed recording artist finally realised at age 40.The album received great critical acclaim around the world and exceptional airplay for a Debut album.
I wrote my first song aged 19 years old ” My Scotsman and thee” The story of finding myself very homesick but destined to remain in Scotland. The final verse was written in 2008 and it was put on my debut album . The final verse is of reflective acceptance of my life .
“Sweet is the melody is my second Album
it is country and includes two co writes it is available
to purchase digitally only on CD Baby
Due to a number of health issues I do not perform music as I used to usually weekly but every now and again perform my music I also like to Jam with friends.Still, recording when possible and enjoyment of the recording process and creation of new music is good . Life is very short and I endeavour to be as creative as possible while im still on earth . I hope you will enjoy what you hear and get as much pleasure out of listening as I had making the recordings.
I spend most of my time these days running my own Internet radio station www.mkbindependentradio.com and have found radio to be a hobby I really enjoy and where I can use my experience and skills in Web-mastering and have had to come to grips with a lot of new skills to facilitate the running of the station. I have also built the website which is the home to my own syndicated radio programme and can be found at www.marykburkeradioshow.co.uk You will notice it is purple , my favourite colour. I hope you will find time to drop by both sites .